

Density (L3)

Click here to view my unit plan and first (diagnostic) lesson

As a diagnostic, we made different sized tin foil boats and then added marbles to them to find out which boats would hold the most marbles. This enabled me to hear the language that children were using and the kind of understandings they had.

After discussions and wonderings we embarked on a traffic light investigation. I presented children with an image of a traffic light drink and asked them how we could make this! (This was a really cool intro as the children were completely stumped and it really got them interested!)

We then went through the Scientific Investigation process to try and make our own traffic lights and then try and work out how this can relate back to density.

We used red cordial, green food colouring and orange juice. Many of the children predicted that the orange juice would sink to the bottom as they assumed it would be heavier. However, what we found was the red cordial sunk to the bottom, the conclusion being that the red cordial is more concentrate and therefore heavier!

Throughout this unit we also got to look carefully at the important parts of a Science Investigation. e.g. fair, reliable, including a hypothesis etc.

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